Saturday, October 9, 2010

Busy life

Time has just gone by so fast. With Brownies on Monday's Karate on Tuesdays and Thursdays and then Awana's on Sundays, our weeks just fly by. I just wanted to thank our family and friends for buying all the goodies from Caitlyn she has done really wonderful. We turn the order in on Monday so if you still want to buy there is still time.

Everyone in the family no has short hair :) Caitlyn had her 8 year old check up.(a few months late) She is doing great. No shots, she is 52 inches tall and 91 lbs. Dr said we need to watch her starch in take. And that she needs to eat more rye bread and brown rice and not the white rice and potatoes that she loves. We went to Sam's to pick us a RX for me and she told the man that the doctor told her to eat more brown foods. She then informed him that from now on she would need to ask McDonald's to cook her fries till they are brown. OMG I can't make this stuff up. Crazy kids I told her good try but that's not what he meant.

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