Monday, August 4, 2008

Let sleeping dog lie

This is how I found Caitlyn this morning. She really likes pound puppies. The brown one is Prilla and the other two have no names. The one that is all gray was mine when I was a little girl, and the middle one Caitlyn got at a garage sale.
Not much has been going on here. I have been trying to go thru Caitlyn clothes and see what fits and what she has gotten to tall for. Leave it to my child to not grow all summer and then about two weeks from the start of school she grows like a weed.
Oh how times flies, Caitlyn is now a first grader and will be going to afternoon latch key. She will be on heat plan for the first 2 weeks. They are still in the old building and no AC. We are all looking forward to the new building.

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