Monday, January 28, 2008

Nice Day in Kansas

On Sunday Caitlyn went over to stay with Grandma Mary and Grandpa Bob, while I was at work. Grandma found out that Caitlyn knows how to work the computer better than she does. And that she does know how to print. When I went to pick her up she had a stack of papers that she printed. Got to love kids they are to smart for there own good.

When we got home I sent her out to play. It was a little windy but it was a nice day.
Alan had to go to Oklahoma to get a title for his semi. So he had to fight the wind all the way there. Good news it should push him home. We are still waiting to hear whats going on with his truck. We hope to know something soon. I just hate not knowing. Thank you to all of those who have been checking in on Alan and us. It means a lot to know you care.

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