Tuesday, January 29, 2008

100th Day of school

Today is Caitlyn's 100th day of school. They are making a big deal about it. They each had to bring something that showed what 100 looked like. We made a hat with 100 hearts.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Nice Day in Kansas

On Sunday Caitlyn went over to stay with Grandma Mary and Grandpa Bob, while I was at work. Grandma found out that Caitlyn knows how to work the computer better than she does. And that she does know how to print. When I went to pick her up she had a stack of papers that she printed. Got to love kids they are to smart for there own good.

When we got home I sent her out to play. It was a little windy but it was a nice day.
Alan had to go to Oklahoma to get a title for his semi. So he had to fight the wind all the way there. Good news it should push him home. We are still waiting to hear whats going on with his truck. We hope to know something soon. I just hate not knowing. Thank you to all of those who have been checking in on Alan and us. It means a lot to know you care.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Friday, January 18, 2008

Another one bits the dust.....


Went to work driving to KC, Wednesday night and of course it was snowing and all that good stuff, on his way home the wind pushed his trailer up and around the cab of the truck. He was only driving 35 mph and was the only car there. He is fine. We won't know about the truck till next week. They think it is totaled. But lucky for us he is able to use a rental semi and only pay the rental fee plus fuel. I ended up having to miss my second day of work so I could go and pick him up. Thank you Sondra for all your help....

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Starting My New Job

Well I am heading back to work after 4 years. It's only part time right now, but it could work to full time soon. I am working at Cornerstone Broadmoor Assisted Living Center that part of Via Christi. I will be working 6:30 am to 2:30pm 2 days a week and then 2 what they call short days 7am to 1pm. So I will still be able to get Caitlyn off the bus and be at home with her at night. Alan will be putting her on the bus. And every other Sunday she will have to get up at 6am and go to grandma's while mommy works since daddy won't be home yet. This was one of 2 jobs I applied for and really the one I wanted.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Caitlyn Got A Horse

Caitlyn got a really cool horse for Christmas from her Aunt Eileen. This horse walks and talks, eats an apple and loves to be brushed. You train him to your voice. When he gets sad it will say I am sad. It is a lot of fun. And has lots of fun things it can do, he also knows how to dance. Thanks again Aunt Eileen

I got my Card in the mail


I got my Medication Aide Card today in the mail, so now I am looking for a job. I am looking forward to going back to work. But in some ways I am going to miss being home with Caitlyn, and Alan. Anyone who knows of any jobs out there drop me an email.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

A Day with Great Grandma and Great Grandpa

Caitlyn thinks that it is great fun to run grandpa's bike. She talked grandma into riding with her. And Caitlyn thought she needed extra help, although I think she is about to knock her off instead

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Years

Last night Caitlyn got to stay up and bring in the New Year. She had her pink lemonade in a wine glass and we played scene it all night. She loved the game and getting to stay up late.

Bugs anyone

Caitlyn asked for and got a bug maker from Aunt Sondra. We made a ton of bugs and had lots of fun doing it.