Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas at Grandma and Papa Chance's

This has been a busy weekend. We went to see Great Grandpa and Great Grandma, they are both felling better. Looks like there colds are almost gone. Great Grandpa is doing really good. He is getting around a ton better. Is back to acting like his old self again. We also stopped at Grandpa Ray's. We didn't get to stay long but it was enough time for Caitlyn to fall down a few times inside and out. And see the dogs and get into everything....

Then we were off to Grandma Chance's and Papa's, to see everyone there. Aunt Sondra and Uncle Chris were there Rylie was also there. Caitlyn has been waiting to play with Rylie for months now. They played with make-up and also got to sled. Uncle Chris pulled them around.

I will be adding pictures of the girls on the sled, santa's snack, Aunt Sondra's belly at 32 weeks and more... Enjoy

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