Sunday, December 30, 2007

It is hard to record in the snow...way to much light

Christmas at Grandma and Papa Chance's

This has been a busy weekend. We went to see Great Grandpa and Great Grandma, they are both felling better. Looks like there colds are almost gone. Great Grandpa is doing really good. He is getting around a ton better. Is back to acting like his old self again. We also stopped at Grandpa Ray's. We didn't get to stay long but it was enough time for Caitlyn to fall down a few times inside and out. And see the dogs and get into everything....

Then we were off to Grandma Chance's and Papa's, to see everyone there. Aunt Sondra and Uncle Chris were there Rylie was also there. Caitlyn has been waiting to play with Rylie for months now. They played with make-up and also got to sled. Uncle Chris pulled them around.

I will be adding pictures of the girls on the sled, santa's snack, Aunt Sondra's belly at 32 weeks and more... Enjoy

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa Taylors

Just a few pictures of Caitlyn at Grandma and Grandpa Taylor's. She got lots of good stuff and her favorite thing is the Pokemon.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Let it Snow

Well it is snowing here. I went out to get the mail today and the snow was up to my knees. We can't open the front door because there is to much snow packed on it. I am just glad I bought some food yesterday. Hopefully it will stop snowing and if

Caitlyn feels better I will have to post pic's of her lost in the snow.

Thank you Whitt Family

Caitlyn got to open a gift from her Travis and family. Thank you for the gifts. It made Caitlyns day. She woke up sick this morning and your gift helped her get in a better mood. And the puppy has been dressed and redressed a few times.

Making Christmas Cookies

Caitlyn has been dying to make cookies, but we couldn't do it till night. Right after this picture she said she was done and wanted to watch cartoons. But it took from 6pm till 12:30am for me to finish. Next time I am starting earlier. No matter what my boss(Caitlyn) says.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Small movie clip

She is doing really good this is only her 3rd class.

Caitlyn got her belt tonight in Karate

Caitlyn has been waiting to take Karate for about a year now. She keeps asking but we didn't know if she would really like it or not. She asked for them again for Christmas so we found this really great place for her to go. Since she really didn't need anything for Christmas we got her the lessons for a year plus her karate clothes and numb chucks. So here are a few pictures of her in class and getting her belt. She also got to break a board but that is on the camcorder so I can't post that.

Christmas Gift

When we go home today Caitlyn found a gift on the porch for her. It was from the lady next door. Caitlyn loves to stand outside and talk to her all the time.

Caitlyn and Santa

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Just couldn't wait till morning

Caitlyn saw the snow and just had to go out and play in it. She also had to make a snow angel. Enjoy the pictures.....

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Just a few old and new fun photo's

Caitlyn being silly
The only thing that has changed over the years is she has more hair now

Everyone in the house for a cold wet night

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Christmas Lights

Christmas lights at around 13th and Maize. They are very good and they have a few songs.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Another update on Caitlyn

Well we are heading to see Dr Phillips on the 6th. We have to have another UA done. She also has a sore throat. I hope the sore throat is just from to much talking. Wish us luck....

Dino Dig

Sunday, December 2, 2007

My little Model showing of Mommy's birthday gifts. If you can't tell what she is holding they are turtle earrings that Caitlyn picked out herself just for mommy. Daddy and Aunt Sondra got me the buggy bench she is laying on. And there is a locket around her neck I got from Bob and Mary... Thanks to everyone that sent me the e-cards and Cards. Thanks again to everyone.