Thursday, October 11, 2007

Camp Day at Earhart

Today was a very busy day. Caitlyn and daddy and mommy all went to school today. Mommy and Daddy were family leaders and helped all the kids get up there tents and get to all there centers. We also roasted hot dog and marshmallows.... There were lots of parents that turned out to help. There was 3 classes of kindergartners and 3 classes of 1st graders. Each of the 10 groups had 12 kids and each group had about 5 parents there to help. It was a very fun day. Caitlyn loved the camping and when we got home tonight I told her she didn't have to go to bed early since she is out of school Friday and Monday. But at 7:20 she asked me to come and tuck her into bed. AHHHHHHHHh I just hate when she wears herself out.... (big smile)

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