Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Dress up and pumpkin carving

On Sunday Caitlyn got to dress up like a Cowgirl for AWANAS. And she likes to strike a pose. Monday night we carved our pumpkin and Caitlyn helped some but got board fast and went back to drawing and left daddy to finish.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Caitlyn had a birthday party to go to on Sat.

Caitlyn going up the slide
Caitlyn had a lot of fun at Pump it Up
She wants to have her party there next year. We will have to see. But the good news is that the adults can jump and play in everything too.
Ready set fight
oh no she's down
oh yeah Caitlyn got the best of him
Caitlyn after boxing

WOW that is one fast slide

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Thank You

Hi All,

I just wanted to send out a very special thank you to Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Geffert, Grandma Nag Nag, Grandma and Grandpa Taylor, Aunt Sondra, Great Aunt Peggy and Uncle John, Grandpa Ray, Dorey Smith, and last mommy and daddy. I was able to sell with your help 7 books of tickets. Now she will get her name entered into a special drawing just for the kids. I hope everyone wins something. Thanks again, I knew we could count on my family to come help us.

Love Caitlyn

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Camp Day at Earhart

Today was a very busy day. Caitlyn and daddy and mommy all went to school today. Mommy and Daddy were family leaders and helped all the kids get up there tents and get to all there centers. We also roasted hot dog and marshmallows.... There were lots of parents that turned out to help. There was 3 classes of kindergartners and 3 classes of 1st graders. Each of the 10 groups had 12 kids and each group had about 5 parents there to help. It was a very fun day. Caitlyn loved the camping and when we got home tonight I told her she didn't have to go to bed early since she is out of school Friday and Monday. But at 7:20 she asked me to come and tuck her into bed. AHHHHHHHHh I just hate when she wears herself out.... (big smile)

Monday, October 8, 2007

Boo Slide

Caitlyn loves this slide she could of played on it all day if hadn't been so hot.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Walters Pumpkin Patch

We went out to the pumpkin patch today and had a little family fun. It ended up being a hot day but we had a great time

Another busy day

We went to the Explortaion Place and had some fun with Mick and Aunt Susan. We also walked over to see the keeper of the plains.
Caitlyn found a little friend to play with in the castle

Exploration Place

Friday, October 5, 2007

School Zoo Trip

Today was Caitlyn field trip day. We had a lot of fun... It was a long day and two extra children that weren't mine and didn't listen very well but we still had a good time. I guess Kohls sponsored today for Caitlyn school and one other. They had all kinds of learning things and classes for them.