Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A Day to Remember

Today is a good day to look at your life and think about what you have and remember what others lost on this day 6 years ago. Lots of things have changed. It kind of shows you that if you are will to put in the time in your life you will be rewarded. 6 years ago I was working as a nanny taking care of 5 boys, 3 were at school and 2 were home when the planes hit the buildings. They were watching TV when the plains hit and wanted to know why it happened and what was going on. It was very hard to explain then. And it is still had to explain to a child why adults do things. I guess the best thing to take from Sept 11th 2001 is that you don't know how much time each one of us is given on earth. So live life, love your family and friends and let them know you care. All the other stuff will sort itself out in the end. Your child won't remember that she didn't get that gameboy game she wanted when she was 5. But she will remember that you love her and you kept her save. It is never easy if it was this would be called Heaven. And sometimes this rock we live on feels far from that.

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