Saturday, October 31, 2009

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Star Light Drive-in

You can just not beat a night at the drive-in

Monday, October 12, 2009

Very Sad with the public school system

We Love Caitlyn School, but not her teacher. We have been having trouble with her not bring home her home work and the teacher giving her credit for something she didn't do. No the only thing she can say is that we need to check her pants because when she set on the floor you can see her butt. She wear shirts that are long tell her to pull her shirt down and teach her. Am I asking to much? What happened to the great teacher? I miss those teacher!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009

My Little Butt Kicking Girl :)

The mouth gaurd works great... if only she could wear it all the time...things would be so quite :)

Caitlyn is an orange belt now...

Now Caitlyn is really going to have to work hard in Karate. She has made it to an orange belt. We are proud of her and know that she can do the work to move on to become a purple belt in a few months.

Camp Day

Friday was camp day for the Lift team. Neither Alan or myself were able to go this year so I let Caitlyn take an old camera with her and these are a few pictures she took. Most of them were of boys:) (what am I going to do with this child) and some of the others were of feet and legs and walls, oh and she took pictures of a book, page by page because she wanted us to see the story. Got to love this kid.