Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Dresses I made this weekend

The Flower fabric was some I was going to make scurb tops out of but I don't wear scrubs right now so I made a dress. I am going to try to get a bunch of dresses made for Caitlyn this winter I have been buying patterns everytime they are on sale for .99 cents and I have picked up the fabric over the past few years so now I just need to make the time. Right now Caitlyn is still at the age where she is proud of the clothes her mommy makes her. But in a few years I am sure she wouldn't want home made dresses anymore. So I better do it now. Time is just moving so fast.

I like the skull one the best... :)

Busy Weekend!

Well this weekend was a busy weekend. We really didn't go anywhere or do that much. Caitlyn Stayed the night at Grandma and Grandpa Taylor's on Friday night that way they could go to the city wide yard sales on Saturday. They also went to a party for Toy 'r' US's Jeffery. It was a waste of time from what I here, but Caitlyn did talk grandma into buying her a game for her DS.
Sunday Caitlyn and I made pumpkin spice doughnuts. They were alot of work but we did have fun doing it. Also I worked on a few dresses for Caitlyn I will have to take better pictures of them, right now the only ones I have are from my phone and they are sideways.

Our Silly Dog

A new place to eat in Park City

It is very yummy and has a great price.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Kansas State Fair

Here are a few pictures and videos of my wild girl. She loves the big kids rides. She rode a few rides by herself that I am not sure I would ride myself. She was spinning all night.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Changes of Caitlyn over the past 2 years

First grade

second grade


Picture Day at School

Here is a fast picture of Caitlyn before school today. I have a few more to come. She is growing up to fast.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Rookie the Cat

Things that they have found in the cells

How we spent out Sept. 11th

Alan Graduated from his gaurd class. He starts his full time job working with the inmates tonight. Please keep him in your prayers that he stays safe out there.

This is how Caitlyn dressed herself then helped with yard work.