Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Pumpkin and Hair

Well we picked Caitlyn only pumpkin tonight, bugs were starting to eat it. So we took a picture in case it doesn't make it to October.

We have had a disagreement in our house about Caitlyn's head band. I think it needed to be tied in the back and she does not. So needless to say I lost. I did get her to tie it for the picture. We may not make it thur her Teenage years...

Monday, August 24, 2009

We went to a used book store this weekend OH MY

We got Caitlyn some joke books from a used bookstore this weekend. She was reading us jokes and she started to read one to use and she said I can't it's a bad word. Well thinking its a kids book from 1984 how bad could it be. I told her to spell it out and she started with J-A-C-K and stopped and daddy said that Jack its a name then she went on with A-S-S. So the joke ended up being "how many ribs does a jackass have" " I don't know open your shirt and count your ribs" So be very careful with what books you buy at a used book store.

Home From School

Caitlyn had a great monday at school. She came home and did her homework without being asked. So she is getting a treat...It's great to be home with her after school.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Not so much fun in the Taylor house.

Alan and I have been fighting a cold for a few days now. I have been home sick for 2 days now. Alan feels really bad but he has to go for training so he really can't miss. And little Miss Caitlyn has been taking good care of her mommy when she gets home from school. Yesterday she made me a bath and sat with me in the bedroom while I slept and she watched TV. What a great little girl we have. Thank you Caitlyn, I love you

Monday, August 17, 2009

I didn't get to take a picture of her getting on the bus because she saw bus driver Willy and she was gone before I could grab the camera.

First round of picture of first day of your school

She woke up at 5am today...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

New member of our family

We have added a new member to our family her name is sparkle.

A great family trip and a very cheap one too

more trip photos

Thank you Mr. Hunter

Caitlyn got a new toy from Mr. Hunter her karate teacher. She loves it and has a great time with you.

Good looking man

Meet the Teacher night

Ok this is very hard for me to believe but Caitlyn is now a second grader. This year she Mrs Freund, she is new to the school. But has been teaching for 16 years. She seems to be a nice teacher. School starts in the morning. Not sure mommy is ready to put my baby on the bus and send her off to the second grade.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

First night camping (Great Salt Plains State Park)

Our first night we camped in the great salt plains state park. Our camp site was on the spillway side. We spent our evening watching the fish jump and the birds, turtles, turkeys walk up and down the spillway. We cooked hambugers and then had smores the new way I found and then off to bed.