Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Oh I am so happy both front teeth are gone

Sheep,Rocks and Loose Teeth

One of the bottle babies eating the box

Riding a Dolphin at Guptin pets

We went to the Gem and Mineral show. Caitlyn LOVED it. I have never seen anyone love rocks as much as she does. This is her looking for gems. She found ruby's and garnets and a few sapphires

One out one to go

Busy Weekend

This weekend we started putting up a new fence. The old wood one has fallen apart, so we are putting up a chain link one. But this rain keeps slowing us down. Caitlyn planted pumpkins and watermelon in her own garden. She is very proud of it.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Monday, April 13, 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009

Caitlyn's Music Program and EE Fair

Everytime the kids finish a mad minute (math test) they get a sticker and put it in the gumball machine. When they get more stuff for the play ground to play on.

Caitlyn and Mrs Frick

Enviormental Education Fair

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Staying at Aunt Sondra's

The kids went outside to play when got back to Aunt Sondra's. They had a ton of fun.

Alan's Uncle Joe past away last Sunday and his funeral was on Friday so we went up there. After the funeral and graveside service we went to where Alan's grandparents are buried at.