Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sad little girl

Last night was to be Caitlyn's first father daughter dance. We didn't get a call that they canceled it. So mommy had to call around and find out. And they went on over there. This is a pictures from Valley Center where the dance was to be. They still had a nice time out they went out to eat just the 2 of them.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Caitlyn and Daddy

Going to there first father daughter dance.

This was Friday night


warm up time

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hartman Arena

So the pictures are not the best but I just had my phone with me. Bob and Mary called me at work and ask if we could come over and meet them at Hartman arena today. They had all kinds of fun stuff and free food. What is better than cheap. FREE and it was fun

Monday, March 23, 2009

My little girl waiting on her meds

Poor baby has a really bad ear infection

Little Bunnies

My sick little girl

Spring Break

For the last few day of spring break Caitlyn went up and spent the weekend with Grandma Nag Nag and Papa. She also went over to Grandpa Rays house to feed the bottle lambs and geese and she even got to hold some of the new bunnies. Anyone need a bunny I know you can get a bunch...LOL

At Grandma Nag Nags and Papas, they played hard and went to the river and rode 4 wheelers and got all wet. I will have to see if I can get pictures from that. To show you how wet and dirty she get. And Caitlyn and Grandma got 6 more chickens, 5 ducks, and 2 geese.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

A little Sight seeing

Caitlyn loves the river, I had to keep telling her to get back from the water she wanted to put her feet in the dirty water.

U.S.S Wichita (CA-45)

Dizzy Girl

Busy Day

Today we have been very busy. Caitlyn had a Daisy thing in the morning and then we went down and had lunch with Aunt Peggy. Then we went to the to meet up the Aunt Susan and Mick at the park.

Lunch with Aunt Peggy

Sunday, March 15, 2009