Monday, February 23, 2009

What 141 boxes of cookies

We still have 40 more boxes to order but this was our start.

Girls Swimming at the hotel

Friday, February 13, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Fun in the Taylor household

Today Caitlyn and mommy had a mother daughter go to the Dr day. I have been fighting a cold for a few weeks now and Caitlyn just started to feel not well. Caitlyn has an ear infection and I have bronchitis so we had to go to walmart and get all our good meds and we are now both off to bed to sleep till time for work. Oh boy...tgif

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Silly pictures

Caitlyn playing with the neighbors dog

Getting ready for Valentines Pictures

I had to go and take a class last Sat. so I had Caitlyn and Alan went to take pictures. These are just a few pictures I took before we left. She loved the dress and to model

Meeting with Caitlyn teacher

Well its that time of the year again. Caitlyn is doing really good in school her teacher says she is reading well above her grade level everything else is on grade or just above grade. She gave me a story that the kids had to write about the favorite person, I am thinking maybe me or daddy. Nope It was all about Aunt Peggy...its a sad day for mom I am no longer her favorite person. We the teacher send home her paper I will mail you a copy Aunt Peggy....