Saturday, January 31, 2009

Smash Burger

As you can see she still doesn't eat the bun. She uses it for Ketchup

This is one of Caitlyn favorite places to eat. We had a coupon for there so we went today and it was really good. Don't be fooled you will pay a pretty price for the food but it is good. We have been doing a lot more frying burgers at home since we ate there. And little miss never try anything new really likes it.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Great Photos

Explanation: On December 1, bright planets Venus and Jupiter gathered near the young crescent Moon, an inspiring celestial scene in early evening skies around the world. But from some locations the Moon actually passed in front of Venus, interrupting the tight grouping with a lunar occultation. Captured from Wildon, Austria, this twilight view shows the silvery evening star about five minutes before it slipped behind the dark lunar limb and vanished from sight for more than hour. The image is a combination of long and short exposures showing details of the lunar surface illuminated by both faint earthshine and bright sunlight. In the inset, recorded later in darkened skies over Breil-sur-Roya in southeastern France, a dazzling Venus has reappeared below the bright lunar crescent. Of course, Jupiter, at the upper right about 2 degrees from Venus and Moon, is sporting moons of its own seen as tiny pinpricks of light on either side of the bright planet.

This little Man is Walking

On the Big News

As many of you know Alan works for Cessna and he will be working there till March 30Th then if anyone needs him please call. He was one of the 4800 people that have been laid off with this round of lay offs. So yeah we will be joining the ranks of the uninsured again. (I know there is some kind of tone there) Got to find something to laugh about or you might just cry

Last Sunday

Last Sunday we were all sick. Here is a picture of Caitlyn and Shadow sleeping on the floor in the middle of the afternoon. Whick is soooooo not like her. She is feeling better now. And Alan and I a slowly getting over ours.

Hair Fun

I love the moon
Caitlyn loves to make faces

Lip gloss for everyone

Thanks Aunt Sondra we had little balls all over the house.

Caitlyn has lost her 3rd tooth

This is so not the order I thought her teeth would fall out in. She has lost them all from the bottom.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Random Pictures

someones in a bad mood
I have the straws

Look I can take my own picture

great grandma's house

Rice anyone
wearing mommy's glasses


Saturday, January 3, 2009