Saturday, November 29, 2008

First Snow

On our way home last night we got to see snow.

Looking at lights on the way home

Thanksgiving at Aunt Eileen's and Uncle TJ

Just a few pictures from Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

First Santa Sighting

On Saturday at my work they had Santa come in. So we went down to see him. They also had a bouncy house and some crafts. Plus they didn't really have a ton of people there so it was a lot of fun.

Bingo Night

We went to Bingo at Earhart Friday night. We had a lot of fun. Caitlyn did get 1 bingo and it was on her classes basket but so did 5 other kids. So they picked cards and she got a queen and the next little boy got an ace. But she did get a small bag that had a tee shirt and baked goods in it, and it was a very fun night. Thanks to everyone that came to play bingo with us.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Sick Mommy

I have been sick all weekend with the flu my sweet little girl and sweet little husband went out shopping and brought me home flowers, hot cocoa, and little kisses(candy). They also went to the outdoor store and looked around at all the good deals(that is what I was told anyway) but they only came home with glow sticks. Guess I can't say much they had fun and I got to sleep. I have been in bed or on the couch asleep so much the last 3 days I think I have left a dint. Still not feeling great but I have to get back to work. FUN FUN

Cookies and Painting

We had some cookie dough we wanted to try so we gave it a shot. Not sure what went wrong but they did not work out as planned. So the next day we tried painted some sun catchers that I got a Hobby Lobby on clearance 12 for $1.00 and that also came with the paint and brushes can't beat that. We had fun both days but the painting worked out much better.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Taylor Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celeb - Collage - Morph

New School

I got to walk around with Caitlyn after I picked her up for latch key and she was very happy to show me around I saw the bathrooms that she thinks are the best because they know if you are a boy or a girl(her words not mine) her class room is super nice They are all just so excited to be in there new school and they did a great job with the school

Monday, November 10, 2008


Caitlyn really liked this movie we went and saw it on Sunday. Pretty cute

Good Buys and Wild times with Caitlyn

I saw this dress at Target a few months ago and really liked it, but I didn't want to pay full price for it so I waited and waited and I found it last night for $3.74... I love Targets markdowns. And today for our 7Th wedding anniversary Alan went to and I took miss wild pants to the Dr. I was having her ears rechecked after she had double ear infections. But on Sunday she woke up with red eye and yuck and today both eyes red and yucky, So Caitlyn has gotten pick eye for the first time and she does it right she had in both eyes. Plus she got her warts froze off... and she was MAD MAD

Tuesday, November 4, 2008