Saturday, July 19, 2008

Fun Day at the Park

Day at the Park

I like the little sign by the water....

that was as high as she would go

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Just a few Pictures of some of the kids

The kids all move to fast so I didn't get pictures of all of them. But I did get most. The last picture is a very upset Caitlyn. She wanted to play in the park after the party, and just as we were going to go over there it started raining...

Bob's 80th Birthday Party

Getting to the party
Oh my what is this One of the cutest little boys
You missed one Bob

Setting up for the Party...

Second tooth lost...

Well tooth number 2 is finally gone. You can see in the pictures that her new tooth is already coming in.

Water Play

Caitlyn got some birthday money from her grandma and grandpa Chance and this is what she got. A slip and slide and her favorite thing the Dog that sprays water. She loves the water, but doesn't like getting water in her face.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Fishing photo's

Here are a few pictures of Caitlyn and Bob fishing a few weeks ago. They have been fishing once since this time and they didn't catch a thing. You know how kids can be they just can't sit still that long. (Grandpa and Caitlyn both couldn't wait it out)

A few from our first day of fireworks

Gift from Grandma and Grandpa Chance. Plus they sent her money which she spent today on a water slide and a big blow up dog that sparys water. I will have pictures later....

Happy 4th of July

We went to our friends house in Newton, the kids had a good time. But the big kids(Alan and Jaime) had a lot more fun. They little ones had gone in and the big ones were still out shooting off fireworks.