Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Caitlyn is growing up so Fast

Hard to think that Caitlyn with be 6 years old in just about two months. I was scanning in some of her baby pictures and I thought I would share a few over the next few weeks.

Check out my Slide Show!

Monday, April 28, 2008


Caitlyn finished her first book for Sparks. They all went to the Zoo on Saturday. She is very proud of herself. And so she should be. But she had to hurry home after so we could finish making out her invites for her birthday party(kids) Since she was born in the summer she misses out of the party with her school friends. So this year we are having a party with all her school friends and and other friends. Then just having a party around her birthday for grandparents. I hope it works out.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Aunt Chris's little Buddha Boy

Check out my little Buddha boy. I think he has to be the cutest little boy around.
He is now 2 1/2 months old and a whopping 14 lbs. All the more to love.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

My little Speed Racer...

Home from The Water Center

The Water Center was very nice. We finished up with all the outside stuff just a few minutes before is started raining. They have a lot more stuff there than I thought they would. It was a lot of fun. We had about 40 parents that came along to help.

I am off the the Water Center

I am headed to the Water Center today. I am meeting Caitlyn's class there plus the 5 other classes that are all in the Sunrise group. So some where around 120 kids, this should be fun. I will post pictures later. Wish me luck.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Update on Caitlyn

Little Missy still has her cough. She has been having a rough few weeks. She started out with strep, and tonsillitis's she took her meds for 9 days and was not getting better and now also had an earache. So I got Bob and Mary to take her to the Dr and see what was going on.(I had to work) She still had all the same stuff as before plus double ear infections. So we had to move on to the Z-pak and steroids. She is feeling better, but she is just still not herself. They also think she has asthma, So that's why I think we can't get rid of the cough.

Austin has also been sick he had an ear infection and Pneumonia . He was a very sick little boy. They thought they would have to put in him the hospital if he didn't keep up if fluid intake. But his Mommy did a great job. He is feeling much better. He still take breathing treatment once a day. Oh the Joys of Motherhood.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Caitlyn's music show

Tonight was Caitlyn music program. It was alot of fun. The kids did a really good job. Thank you to everyone that came. I hope you enjoy the pictures. I missed taking a picture with Caitlyn and her Great Grandparents.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Dinner after Class

Caitlyn wanted to go out to eat after she passed her belt test so we went to Ihop and she got the Horton hears a who meal. It came with a drink that had sprite and red and blue jello in it. and her pancakes were very yummy

Caitlyn's belt test

Animal Planet, this is one of the warm-ups

Caitlyn now had 8 strips and will be moving on the the next belt. I think it will be white with a yellow strip. We will find out on frinday at the Awards Night. She is so looking forward to that.