Sunday, March 30, 2008

Busy Week

Well this has been a very busy week in the Taylor household. Alan has finished his training and last Monday was his first day orientation, then he started 2nd shift on Tues. when he got to work they asked him to come back to first shift so he could learn how to put the forward cabin assembly together and be a section leader. So he has been going to work at 4:30am and getting home anywhere from 3:00pm to 7:00pm. And anything over 8 hours a day is over time. But he really likes his new job.

Thank you Bob and Mary for helping us out with Caitlyn when I have to work.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

Caitlyn and Daddy had Easter Morning without mommy. (I had to work) The Easter Bunny was outside putting eggs in our yard when I left this morning. Caitlyn got a new DS Game and was SO HAPPY she couldn't think about anything else. When I got home went over to Bob and Mary's for dinner. And had a night time there.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


Caitlyn had fun dying eggs. She also got to dye some at grandma Marys

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Bubble Blowing

Caitlyn also ate a few bubbles in the strong Kansas wind

WOW what a first day of spring. Caitlyn and I did some outside fun, Bubble blowing, rock sorting and then some cloud watching.

Too Great Grandpa and Grandma's

We went to Aunt Sondra's on Friday night. I forgot my camera (bad mommy I know) but we did have there pictures taking a JCPenny's I will try to post them later.

When we got home we went to see family at Great Grandma and Grandpa's house. As we were leaving we stopped over to see some of the baby cows. So far all the calves have been black with white on there faces. You can't see it to good here but they are very cute.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Grand Prix at Awanas

Caitlyn's car did pretty good she didn't place but she did have fun. Plus her and daddy had fun building it together.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Caitlyn now has 4 stripes

Caitlyn is really getting good at her karate class. In a few months she might be ready to move to the Black belt
classes. She is what they call kid gaurd right now. So if she wants to work to her black belt in a few years she will have to go twice a week.

Caitlyn, the Doctor and the Zoo

Today I had to take Caitlyn in for a check up on her cough. So after the appointment it was to late to take her back to school so we went to the Zoo instead. She loved seeing the baby Komo Dragon and the bears were out and moving around today. They have also almost done with the new Cafe.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Our dog really loved the baby too. This is a photo of him in the stroller. He got out of the yard and fallowed us down the street. So he rode back in the stroller

Check out my Slide Show!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Kids and Grandparents

First picture of both grandkids with there Papa and Grandma Nag Nag

Caitlyn Holding and Feeding Austin

This weekend, Sondra and Austin came and stayed with us all weekend. We had a lot of fun. Caitlyn loves Austin and just can't keep her hands off of him. We went shopping and she had to keep one hand on him at all times. So it is no surprise that she worried about feeding him over watching cartoons.

Playing with Aunt Sondra

Caitlyn got to fly her kite this weekend. We almost had to pick her up a state away with all the wind but she had a blast.