Monday, February 25, 2008

A New bit girl tooth

If you look real close you can see Caitlyn new tooth. It is on the right side of your screen.

Caitlyn Went to the Boat and Travel

Caitlyn had a very fun day while mommy was at work. She loved he boat and Travel show. She was up set she didn't get to see a flat head catfish. She got to watch the Lumber Jill's. She said when she gets older she wants to be a limber Jill. But only for a short time then she wants to become a Vet. Before they left Caitlyn got her face painted. And it looks very cute. But last night after we washed it off her eyes were swollen and they still were when she left for school. Hope you enjoy the pictures.


Caitlyn Loves fixing things

Thanks to Travis she has been trying to things apart. And she also had to see how wide my butt is. Thanks Again Travis... :)

Monday, February 18, 2008

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Twister Anyone

After going to Austin(oh yeah his mom and dad were there too.) We went to see Travis and his family. Caitlyn got Sammi to play twister. And she played with Matt also. Caitlyn was also spoiled by Travis he got her a ton of stuff. I will post pictures of her tool set in a little bit. She was so busy playing with Matt and Sammi that she didn't even really look at it when he gave it to her. When we got home and took it out of the car she was excited about. And is playing with it right now.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My Favorite Picture

He is to cute to just pick one, but So far this is my favorite picture of him. Look at all that hair.

I made Austin his own blog...So now all I have to do it teach his mom how to use it. :)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Am I cute or what......

Update on Sondra

Sondra and baby will be staying in the hospital till Weds. Sondra checked into the hospital at 7pm Sunday and started pushing at 6pm Monday and Austin made his way into the world at 8:03 pm. He got his shoulder stuck on the way out so mommy had a very hard time. He was smaller than what they thought he would be. But he is still a big boy (he wasn't due till the 21st). My mother is going to stay with Sondra till the weekend. Then Chris's mom is going to stay a week then she will be coming here to stay with me on my weekend off.

Other Good news Alan got a job yesterday too.

So Feb 11th is a great day in so many ways.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Austin is here

He's here...
7 lbs 6 oz and 20 inches

Born at 8:03pm

My moms says he looks like Caitlyn with she was born. This is not a good picture its from a camera phone. I wasn't able to go up to see them yet but they are going to be down here around the 29th of this month. More pictures to come.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Quilt for Austin

Sondra is checking into the hospital tonight at 7pm and should have the baby by Monday

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Thanks Grandma Connie

Caitlyn got a new sweater from grandma Connie. Its a great color for her and makes her eyes stand out. The bottom picture she wouldn't put down the dry erase board.
So far no luck in the job front for Alan and we are still waiting to hear on the truck and when Alan is going to get his past pay check. Got to love it....

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Build A Bear

Caitlyn went to Laisa (5)and Lorissa(3) birthday party at build a bear. We all had a great time. And each kid went home with a puppy or a bear. It was alot of fun.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Dog sitting

Caitlyn was dog sitting last night. She kept Little D and Peanut til today. She also got to go to a Birthday party at build a bear. She made a dog. I will have to post pictures of her and her do later.