Monday, August 27, 2007

Taking a little dip

Caitlyn got to go swimming at her Great Aunt Peggy's. She didn't want to get in at first . Then we could'nt get her out of the pool. Daddy was trying to get her out of the pool and she was hanging on the rope in the middle. That's our wild child at her finest.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

My Hobby

We love our fish. We have a Puffer fish named Puffy and he loves to eat snails and shrimp. We also have a Black Sucker fish and his name is Ink because Caitlyn said he looks like someone spilled ink on him. And then we have a Black Tip Shark named Trash Can. He eats everything.

Puffy Loves his snails. Nobody believes us when we say he eats snails till we show them so here you are. He is a really cool fish. Its a good thing my mom has way to many snails in her pond plus we have been growing our own here too.

Friday, August 24, 2007

End to the first week of school

Grandma and Grandpa Taylor have been out hitting the yard sales. They found little Missy some Barbie Skates. She did pretty good till she ran in the grass and forgot to slow down when she hit the driveway. But after a little help she was off and going and having a good time.
Caitlyn is really liking school. She has been going to bed around 7:30 to 8:00 and getting up at 6:50am. Starting Monday she will be going to school till 3:10 so she should be home by 3:30. She really like her bus driver. She calls him Bus Driver Willie he is very nice and listen to ALL her talking (20 Min's) non-stop.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Home from her first day

I told Caitlyn she could pick something special to have when she got off the bus, Keep in mind I said anything. She wanted a sucker. Got to love this girl. But she did pick out a $3 one.

She was very happy to be back home. Caitlyn had a lot of fun today and is ready to go back. She had PB and J for lunch and I think she will be eating alot of those. But she was ready to get off the bus she said it was hot. But the bumps were fun and not having to wear a seat belt was fun too. When she got home she was hot so she wanted a cartoon and then laid down on the floor by her air vent.

First Day of School (on her way to school)

She wanted Juice and a banana and a cheese stick for breakfast today.
On her way to the bus stop. We ended up make 2 trips back home to go to the bathroom Caitlyn was a nervous. But she got on the bus and seemed to be fine. I will write more when she gets home.
Caitlyn waiting on her bus. What a big girl. Mommy's baby is growing up
Look mom I am riding a big bus

Caitlyn picked her seat on the bus.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Caitlyn's last few days of freedom

playing in the very cold pool...
Yeah I got a new zoo card
Three wild girls Grandma, Aunt Jane and Caitlyn
Awwwwwww Caitlyn loves her Grandpa

This is just a cool picture with the rainbow in the back ground...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Some funny pictures that Caitlyn took with her Camera

Caitlyn got to go and spend a few nights with her Great Grandparents. She had lots of fun and got to count cows and do the dishes. (I know dishes don't sound fun but to a 5 year old they are great fun)

Grandma Mary... Funny the things people will do for a child holding a camera...
Oh look I can take my own picture
Oh thats better
I got it now
and another close up

Monday, August 13, 2007

Caitlyn got to meet her new teacher.

Today we went to meet Mrs Frick. She is a brand new teacher. Her and her husband are moving here from Hillsboro. She seems to be a very nice person. Caitlyn got to take all her supplies in and drop them off. She starts school on Thursday. She will be riding the bus to and from school and she thinks she is hot stuff. They also had sno-cones if you are wondering what she is eating in the picture.
Caitlyn standing outside on the map of the USA

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Fun in the pool

Caitlyn and Alan swimming. Daddy don't put me down.
Oh how I love the hot tub.
All you can see is Alan's feet in the water. Alan went down the slide with his glasses on. But when he came up they were long gone. I didn't wear my suit to the pool, so we had to ask the others in the pool for help finding them. They were found about 10 minutes later and in 3 parts. Alan was able to fix them.

Alan missing his glasses that came off on the slide. Caitlyn is holding on to daddy because he wanted to get out of the pool and she was not ready yet. And she still wasn't ready at 11pm either.

Monday, August 6, 2007

T-Rex Cafe

Just hanging out with Travis and his family on Sunday after the wedding. We all we to do some gambling. Alan and I lost $7.00 and then we where done and went to hang out with the kids in the game room.

Wedding pictures