Tuesday, July 31, 2007

All Star....

Cute picture... All tho I have no clue what Caitlyn is doing...

The sun was peeking out of all the clouds.. got to love ther faces....

Caitlyn sinks the ball

All Star

Today we went to play at All Star. It was a lot of fun for the kids. Caitlyn is enjoying having a cousin to play with.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Caitlyn is all inrolled in school

Time flies my little girl is starting school on Aug 16Th. She got her school T-shirt today and is very proud of it. We also found out that she will be one of the lucky ones She will have a classroom outside with an AC unit.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Family Day Out

Today we took Caitlyn to the World Museum. She liked it alot. She loved the WWI stuff, we don't have pictures of that because they won't let you take pictures on the second floor. But she did love seeing all the clothes and guns and ships. Her favorite was the old money. She's a girl that knows what she likes.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Doggy Pool...

Caitlyn and Rusty were out playing in the pool today. Rusty is the only dog that would play with her. Rusty will let Caitlyn do anything to him. He just loves being around people.

Here she is pushing her tummy underwater. She wanted me to take her picture. I don't ask her why anymore I have found its best to just watch her and see what she comes up with.
If I haven't told you before she can't stand to get her face went, but she really wanted to play in the water.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Water Play

It was another hot day here in Kansas. When the sun started to set we went outside to play and have fun in the cool water.

Just a picture of Caitlyn after riding her 4 wheeler

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Lunch out

Caitlyn had lunch with her Great Aunt Nathalie today. We went to Red Robin and had a Rad Robin Burger. She liked tickling Aunt Nathalie. And she was very happy when she left and got her balloon. A pink one of course.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Wet 'n' Wild day at the Zoo

They had lots of fun things out for all the kids and animals. All the animals got frozen treats the hippo's were having watermelon
Say Cheese
The turtle was running out of the water to get to his food. It only took him about 5 minutes to make 15 feet.

The Koi Fish are getting so big theses are the ones at the gate when you walk up to the zoo.

Wet 'n' Wild

It was a fun day at the zoo... Just really hot. The firetruck was out and they where busy spraying everyone they could see. Caitlyn didn't like getting sprayed. The only way I got her out there for this picture was to buy her a snow cone.
Oh boy I got all wet....I'm done now
Stephanie playing in the pool. After she played in the pool she then came over and ate the watermelon and the block of ice with apples and sweet potatoes.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

5 year old well child check-up

All Caitlyn Band-aids

Today was Caitlyn's check-up. She is 43 inches tall and weights 51lbs. She also needed 5 shots today. They were able to mix two of the shots together so she only needed 4 needles. She did are really good job. She didn't cry till the last shot, then it was only a little tears. Then we took her to Target to get a toy and an icee from Walgreen's and her all time favorite she got cotton candy ice cream from cold stone.

Monday, July 2, 2007


This is Caitlyn first thing this morning. Playing her gameboy, she plays it every chance she gets and trys to sneak it in the car when we were going to wal-mart. Thanks grandma Nag Nag
This is Doby wearing his crown.
Cheese.... I love these fireworks tonight. We went out Thrusday night and Caitlyn was scared(I think she was teasing us)
Look at her now, having a blast

Sunday, July 1, 2007

a few more

Ahhhhhhhhh yes Caitlyn got her gameboy...
Great friends and cousin's
Look how high we can get

More party pic's

All the kids went into Caitlyn's room and were playing Doctor.
Caitlyn, Rylie and Mick
Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Geffert

Happy 5th Birthday

Caitlyn had a wet but very happy birthday party. She had her good friends and her cousin's over. Plus both sets of grandparents and Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Geffert, and also Great Grandma Henson. She had lots of fun and got a lot of great toys.