Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Caitlyn found a Cocoon outside a few days ago...

Caitlyn was getting ready for bed tonight when we saw that her butterfly had come out of his cocoon. We took it outside to let it go and it flew back in the house. So after we chased it all over the house we got him back out. I can't remember what she named him right now and she is in bed so when you see her at her party ask her about the butterfly.

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Tonight was the last night of VBS. All the children got points for learning there verses and remember there bible's to class each night. At the end they got to pick out a speical prize for there points and Caitlyn picked out the little pet shop. Oh how she loves those the pet shop toys.

After everything they got to have Ice Cream. This is Caitlyn and her good friend Laisa. They had alot of fun.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

We would like you to meet Connie the Corn Snake

Caitlyn has been watching the new show Bindi the Jungle Girl. And she has a REAL Connie the Corn Snake.

A wet fathers day

It started to mist when Alan got home from work. But he was still going to use his fathers day gift to make dinner. It ended up pouring on him the whole time he was cooking. But as soon as he was done it stopped raining and was a very nice rest of the day. Got to love Kansas weather...

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Taking daddy to the zoo

Caitlyn wanted to take daddy to the zoo today. I think she would come up with any reason to go to the zoo.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Day at the park

Ok, the slide was a little bit hot... But you can't tell Caitlyn she had to find out on her own. She takes after her dad there.
Our wild squirrel. Caitlyn loves to watch him. And I think he likes to be watched. As you can tell for the pictures I was right on top of him.
Little show off. Caitlyn is really into the outdoors these days. She needs to know what every last bird is called. And the name of every animal outside

Monday, June 4, 2007

40th party lots of cake and fun.....

Make a wish

three little monkeys hanging in a tree

Alan's Paint Ball Party

We had alot of fun. We all ended up with tick and bruises. But still fun.

Shadow loves the bouncy house

Caitlyn and Aiden At the Zoo

Monkey see monkey do
Caitlyn and shadow taking a nap after getting up way to early