Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Anyone up for a game

Caitlyn has found a game. She loves to play and will play for hours.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Shrek anyone

Hi all,

Today we went to see shrek the third. Caitlyn loved the movie. But she loves anything to do with Shrek. She is even having a Shrek birthday party. Today as we left the Newton theater Caitlyn told us that she loved Justin Timberlake. Because he was Artie and he is a really good singer and very cute. Oh boy! (she is only 4) can't wait till she is a teenager. By the way if you haven't been to the Newton Theater since they changed hands you will be surprised. They have fixed all up. And the best part is that an afternoon movie is only $4.75.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

My baby is growning up to fast

Where did my baby go? Now she is off to real school. I don't know if mommy is ready yet.

Caitlyn and her teacher Mrs Angie

Graduation Day

Caitlyn and Mrs Dana... This was one of the women that helped out in the office and any place needed. Caitlyn just loved going to see Mrs Dana.
Caitlyn and Jake, they had to tell each other by and that they would miss each other. And Caitlyn wanted a picture to remember him by.

Then she wanted to eat at Cracker Barrel

Something has been eating all my bird seed

I think we have found the bird seed theft

Monday, May 7, 2007

Pre-school Zoo trip

What a rainy day it was at the zoo, but the kids had a great time. This is Caitlyn and the back of Ethan's head.
Caitlyn has to have a picture take on the Kama Dragon every time we go.
Daddy and Caitlyn feeding the very large fish.

This speaks for itself

Awana's Awards


Laisa and Caitlyn

Caitlyn finished her first year of cubbies. She got 3 more matches last night her cubbie bear and a book from her teachers.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Another wild day at the Nature Center

Today was OK kids day at the Great plains nature center. They had lots of fun. The kids to build bird houses and take a nature walk to feed the turtles, see and touch an owl, snake and more turtles. And after then went to see everything they had going on they got a goodies bag and even a cool new T-shirt. They also gave each child a number and then picked a number out of the bag 3 times that day and the first one for a sleeping bag Mick had the matching number for. The kids had fun and got lots of cool things. Plus the best part was it was all free. (donations are always welcome) We really just love that nature center. Where else can you go and have a good time for just a few dollars in donations.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Caitlyn got to go and see her new school today.

Here we are showing off at her new school. We had to go down and do some paper work to pre-enroll. SHE LOVED THE SCHOOL. And didn't want to leave. Each class has there own pet. And they have a pond and nature trails.

We also went to see Meet the Robinson( all the best parts are in the ads)

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Caitlyn got her daddy's fashion sense.

Blue shorts, red shirt, and check out the socks... then to top it all of that is a white sweater with silver mixed in and a fur collar. This is what happens with I tell Caitlyn to dress herself and then have her daddy finish getting her ready to go. It makes for great pictures. And yes that big pile of shoes on the floor is mine (a girl can never have to many shoes) We are going to have to buy a bigger house just for Caitlyn and mommys shoes.

Inside fun at the Nature Center

Rainy Day Fun

With all the rain today we went to the Great Plains Nature Center. Caitlyn just loves it there. It is a great place to go its FREE and lots of fun. You can take long walks and when the rain let up we go to walk outside we saw lots of ducks and birds and even a beaver.