Monday, April 30, 2007

Spring Program

This is the look I get when I ask her to come outside so mommy can take her picture. (Oh mom not again) Someday she will be happy to have them tho.
Oh do you like the red bump on Caitlyn's head right before I took the picture she and I both went to fixs her sandal and bumped heads good thing we are both hard headed.
The Church is very hard to get a well lit pictures.

Spring Program

Hanging out under the bell tower
Yummy we got Ice Cream after we sang our hearts out.
Wow look at all those 3 and 4 year olds.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Caitlyn's Birthday Party

Don't pay attention to the date I forgot to change it after I put in new batteries. Caitlyn telling about all the things in her Me bag for her special day.
I just love the birthday crown
Daddy helping out with the snacks. Everyone loved the ice cream and cookies.
All the little boys checking out her hat
Now they are counting all the candles

Hang out

Caitlyn and Rylie are painting Doby's new dog house. here they are working on painting the letters in his name.
Anyone want to go skating. Caitlyn knows how to work it she talked Rylie into pulling her around

Class Photo's

This is Caitlyn Class Picture. The girls are a little out numbered

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Easter egg hunting at Grandma Nag Nag's and Papa's

Caitlyn with Peanut. That dogs feet never touch the ground the whole time we are there.
Out hunting for eggs. She was looking so hard she didn't see the windmill and knock herself in the head and down she went. Where did that Papa hide all my eggs.

She had to check with the ducks and goose to see if they had any.

Easter Day

Who would of thought that on Easter we would have to dress like it was the middle of winter.

The Easter Bunny came while Caitlyn was sleeping and left her eggs all over the front yard and covered in frost.
Wow look at all those eggs.

This is Caitlyn over at Grandma Mary's hunting for some eggs.

Easter at the Zoo

Caitlyn and Mick

Easter at the zoo was coooooold. But we did have fun and all the animal were up and moving around