Saturday, March 31, 2007

Up at Grandma's house spending time with her 6 chickens 2 ducks, 2 geese and 5 dogs plus Shadow

Caitlyn holding Peanut. She just loves that little dog...
animals everywhere...You have Mr. Bill, Gooseie, Nag nag the goose Caitlyn, Lucky, Peanut and Little "D"

Friday, March 30, 2007

showing off her boobo

Caitlyn got a bad burn on her knee from her 4 wheeler and she wanted to show off her bandaide
Look what I am do
Her barbie wings that Travis and Jennifer got her.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Day at the Zoo

Caitlyn and Grandma Nag Nag at the zoo having a good time
Caitlyn taking a nap on the turtle after a long day at the zoo

Great Day of fun at the Hutchinson Zoo

Milking a cow and getting herself wet whill doing so...
itsy bitsy Caitlyn climbed the spider web. This was taken right before Caitlyn fell off the spider web

Which one is Caitlyn and which are the Prairie Dogs Caitlyn checking on the geese.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Caitlyn and Baby Kylie

Second Cousin's Caitlyn (4years) Kylie (4 months). Caitlyn really liked feeding her and Kylie really liked eating.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Caitlyn leading Jake around like a puppy. They are very cute he waits for her and she waits on him.
Party Party......

Caitlyn Spring Party

Today was the spring party and Alan and I signed up to help with this one. It was alot of fun we got to do show and tell and have dirt and worm cups we got goodie bags and ballons to take home. First thing Caitlyn got to do at school was write her name and cut out shapes. Then they had free play, Caitlyn played with the dogs.

When she went outside she found her boyfriend that is in another class and they play King and Queen. She told him everything he could do. (I have tought her well) His name is Jake. ANd they walked around holding hands on the play ground.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Caitlyn getting ready for pictures

Caitlyn and I spent the morning fixing her hair. She loves her new dress and she got to wear mommy necklace. So she thought she was top dog.
Here is a picture of Caitlyn not paying attention. I was trying to take her picture and she was watching TV so she didn't even know I was in the room. But she still looks pretty so I thought I would share.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Awana's Grand Prix

Caitlyn putting her car on the track for her thrid race. She lost 2 and came in thrid on the last one. But she did have a lot of fun and thats what counts.

Caitlyn and Laisa after there race with there cubbies group.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Caitlyn and Daddy making her Awana's Car

She has another race this Sunday.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Art show

Caitlyn dancing over the light at school. It was so hot it melted her new shoes

Art Show

Caitlyn and Rylie with there new chicks
Caitlyn with the new baby goose


Playing at the park

Trying this out

This is a dress that her Uncle Craig broght her home. She just loves it.